Sunday, November 11, 2007

Praise Him with harp and lyre

This morning, Sunday, I was able to play along with the worship team on electric guitar.

Two weeks ago at practice, (I run the soundboard)I was asked if I could play three "simple" chords, Ab Bb & Eb. If anyone knows guitar they know this is not something a beginner like myself can easily do. So I asked a friend to play on Sunday instead.

As much as I wanted to play, I couldn't, didn't know how, and was really disappointed with myself. I got so upset my stomach became nauseous. I held onto that grief for that night into the next day.
Later that night, I found some other sheet music with two of the same notes with a capo1 chord change. With the capo on the first fret, the chords became G, A, and D, which are easy to play. All of the sudden this impossible task of playing music with the worship team became possible. However since I had already asked someone to play, and I still had to run the sound. Since I learned the song, I play it every time I pick up a guitar. By the way, the name of the song is "The River is Here"

Last week I actually asked someone else run the soundboard, (this happens once a month, maybe) because I wasn't able to attend practice. Instead I went to see the David Crowder Band who were totally awesome, and awesomely praising God. So when I showed up early this morning, well at least early for not having something to be there until the service, I got to listen to the worship team practice. The last song they played, was the song I learned. So I casually asked, want someone on guitar, and they said yes. And in my head I said YES!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't tell anyone else what I was doing, so my mom was a little shocked when I got up with the worship team to play the last song of the service. I made sure the volume wasn't too loud just in case I messed up a lot. I was so nervous I couldn't look up until the closing prayer.

Yea I messed up a little, but I got to PLAY!!!! The reason I wanted to learn guitar in the first place was so that I could praise God, and now I have in view of my whole church family. I don't know when I'll get to play again, but I'm thankful for the opportunity I had. Thank you Lord for another answered prayer.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Too Peaceful?

I went for a walk after work on Friday, not one of my marathonish walks, but just down to the park by my home, so I could sit by the creek and be at peace for a bit. There's this one section, where there is a large rock to sit on by the water, that was the spot in my head that seemed the best place to stop. So I walked around to this "perfect" spot and sat down and listened. All I could hear was my own thoughts, but even through them God was speaking to me. The water was relatively deep here, maybe a foot and a half feet deep, and I could see little fish swimming. My problem was it was too peaceful, things were quietly moving by without drawing attention to themselves. I forced myself to sit there for 5 minutes miserably, before moving on to another spot.

The second spot is what my soul needed, a bit rockier, but the creek was alive and speaking out. This is where I found my peace, and The Spirit spoke to my heart. He said, that the first spot is where I have been, quiet, too quiet, floating by without notice. This new spot is where I'm headed. It's noisy, rocky, and there are places that are very slippery, but I will be with you, and I will not be silent anymore. Soon it will be time to move, and to be seen moving.

Thanks God!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Behind the Times

Since I've been an active person online since '96, it is now 2007 and I've only recently started a facebook page, refusing to do myspace, and now I'm blogging.

I've been thinking about blogging for awhile now, but as I was writing a friend a long e-mail and pouring out my heart, I became convinced I needed a blog.

I've titled this blog, Joy in the Morning, because that's what I'm seeking. I am not a morning person, which makes it incredibly difficult to find joy there, but with God I'm praying this can be achieved.

The domain name comes from where I'm at now. Psalm 59:16 say, "But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love..." I was reading this verse the other day in my daily scripture reading, and the words leaped off the page at me. I said to God, I want his Joy in the Morning, but this is what I can do right now. So I make it a point to sing of God's Love, Peace, Strenth, and JOY every morning.

I think this is plenty for my first post, more to come soon.